Suomen Ampumaurheiluliitto järjestää yhdessä Nordic Shooting Regionin kanssa Kansainvälisen Ampumaurheiluliiton (ISSF) lajien kansainvälisen B-tuomarikurssin Cumulus Airportissa Vantaalla 25.-28.3.2010 .
Suomalaisille kurssi on edullinen hinnaltaan, joten kurssille kannattaa osallistua, kun sellainen on Suomessa. Kurssi avaa mahdollisuuden jatkossa toimia tuomarina PM-kisoissa ja mahdollisesti EM-kisoissakin. Koulutuskielenä on englanti.
Kurssin hinta on ulkomaisilta osallistujilta 150 €/hlö + majoitus- ja ruokailukulut. Riippuen ulkomaalaisten osallistujien määrästä, Ampumaurheiluliitto subventoimaan suomalaisten osallistusmaksua. Katso alla oleva englannin kielinen teksti ja toimi sen mukaan.
Nyt kannattaa osallistua!
An international ISSF judges course (ISSF B-lisence) will be held in Helsinki 25th to 28th of March 2010.
The course is primarily intended for training international judges for use in the 2010 Nordic Championships in Vierumäki Heinola but is similarly intended for all other with an interest in requiring an international licence.
Disciplines and instructors:
General Aspects Curt Sjöblom (FIN)
Rifle – Jane and Rene Monster (DEN)
Pistol – Eirik Jensen (NOR) , Patrik Johansson (SWE)
Running Target – Pekka Kuusisto, Jarmo Smura (if more than 5 participants)
Clay Target – Curt Sjöblom (FIN)
The course is open for all ISSF member federation judges applicants approved by their federation. The course will be held at the Cumulus Airport Hotel close to the Helsinki-Vantaa international airport. The course will be held in English.
Preliminary program:
Thu 25th 18.00h Arriving, registration and intro
Fri 26th Course
Sat 27th Course
Sun 28th Course and departing appr. 14.00h
Accommodation will be reserved on request at the Cumulus Airport hotel.
Course fee: 150 € including all material
Accommodation: 344 € per person in double room Including 3 nights + breakfast, morning and afternoon coffee and lunch and dinners. In single room 444 €/person.
Accommodation and Course fee must be paid before 10th of March 2010.
The account:
Account owner: Finnish Shooting Sport Federation – Suomen Ampumaurheiluliitto ry
BANK: Nordea Bank Helsinki-Meilahti
IBAN: FI41 132830 00042157
Please fax your entries not later than 10th of March 2010 to Finnish Shooting Sport Federation +358 9 147 764 or e-mail:
You will find the entry form from here (click it).
Finnish Shooting Sport Federation
Risto Aarrekivi
Secretary General