IPSC Presidentin uuden vuoden tervehdys
17.1.2018 klo 11:05
Max Käär

Uusi IPSC presidenttimme Vitaly Kryuchin on lähettänyt regioneille Uuden Vuoden tervehdyksensä 4.1.2018.

Dear Regional Directors, athletes, friends!

On behalf of IPSC I would like to wish all of you a sportive and healthy New Year!

I would like to thank former IPSC President Nick Alexakos and his team for their hard and successful work over the past 21 years. I am looking forward to preserve and modernize our sport together with my team and, of course, with all of you.

I would like to present you the members of the new Executive Council:

General Secretary: Friedrich Gepperth
Secretary: Sasja Barentsen
Treasurer: Roland Dahlman
IROA President: Dino Evangelinos
IROA Vice-president: Jose Carlos Belino
We are starting 2018 with a new office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from which IPSC Secretary Sasja Barentsen will be working full time.

I also want to say that our amazing sport of practical shooting joins all of us: athletes, owners of firearms, citizens of different countries. In the process of training in practical shooting, we acquire stable skills in safe gun handling, which are ingrained for life!

We are an example of the culture of safe gun handling for the world!

Bringing the culture of safe gun handling – that is our noble mission in the world!

Let’s remember this Honourable Mission!Let’s never swear at competitions!

Let’s never argue with the match officials, seeking a tiny advantage!

Let’s be an example of Noble and Worthy behaviour of an athlete in the competition!

And that all who visit our training and competitions, would like to join us and become an IPSC shooter!!!

Warmest regards, Vitaly Kryuchin

P.S. More updates will follow soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact.